INTL FCStone's Rhona O'Connell recognized as a Top Precious Metals Analyst by LBMA & Metal Bulletin for 2019
Metal Bulletin compiles a quarterly leaderboard of analysts who are ranked based upon the accuracy of their most recent price predictions for the metals traded on the London Metal Exchange and in the bullion markets. The winner in each sector is determined by having each firm or analyst provide their latest forecasts for each metal at the beginning of the quarter. At the conclusion of each quarter, the individual forecasts are analyzed and given a definitive accuracy ranking before the results are published. The overall ranking is based on the average variance across all forecasts received, the yearly ranking compiles by the aggregate of the stats from all four quarters. As well as for the full year, Rhona also attained the top precious metals ranking for Q4 2019 with an accuracy rating of 99.26%.
"Gaining the number one position for gold in the
A Fortune 500 company with a nearly 100-year track record, the company focuses on providing products and services within the commodities, securities, foreign exchange and global payments sectors. INTL customers include the producers, processors and end users of virtually every major traded commodity; commercial counter parties; and governmental, nongovernmental and charitable organizations. The company also serves institutional investors, brokers, professional traders, CTA/CPOs, proprietary trading groups, commercial banks and major investment banks. Headquartered in
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